Monday, January 20, 2014

How Much To Feed a Puppy?

The Fact
Normally, a puppy can eat a lot of food from birth until six months. Puppies need to eat 2-4 times a day. In its first week of existence, the puppy’s weight can be doubled gaining 1-2 grams per pound each day. A good example for this is, when your dog weighs 75 pounds as an adult then it should gain 3-5 ounces each day as a puppy. 

how much to feed a puppy
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Does it make sense? Well, really you should know that before starting to feed your puppy.

So how much to feed a puppy? This question is widely asked all throughout the internet and even in vets because it should be the first thing that you need to know before buying nay kinds of foods for your puppy. For the best recommendation on amount of food that you will serve to your puppy, it’s always the veterinarian’s advice that works best but if you want another opinion then you can also follow the Dog Whisperer’s advice which is to feed your puppy a half cup per day. The most popular chart where you can also refer is The Dog Breed Info Center’s (below) chart in which it indicates the breed and weight on how much to feed a puppy properly.

One of the essential basis in determining the quantity of food to be fed on puppies is their weight which is also dependent with their breed. Once a puppy is noticed with weight changes, it just means that changes in amount of food also relies on that.

How much to feed a puppy during the first 8 weeks?

At this stage, puppies shouldn’t be separated from their moms before they are 8 weeks old. Puppies that leave their mothers sooner have a hard time adjusting and a higher risk of illnesses. I don’t know if this is due to weakened immunity or mourning the premature loss of their family. The mother's milk provides them with the balanced nutrition and the needed antibodies to become healthy dogs. During  3-4 weeks, puppies should start eating more solid foods. You can mix a proportion of three parts food with one part water or puppy replacement milk. This for the puppy to digest the foods easier. A sign that a puppies can easily adjust eating habit is when they begin to eat little solid food before leaving  its mother. Another indicator that  a puppy is ready to come home with you is when it prefers human companion other than its mother or brothers and sisters.

How much to feed a puppy during  6 to 8 weeks?

Feed your puppy 3-4 times a day. Puppies have different equivalent nutritional needs than the adult dogs. Choose a puppy food that gives the appropriate balance of nutrients needed by your puppy. Make sure it is getting the right amount of protein and calcium, and the proper amount of calories. Check the puppy food’s label to determine if you are feeding your puppy a balanced diet. An appropriate indicator is when a specified meat is set as the first ingredient on the label.

How much to feed a puppy after 8 weeks?

At this age, feed your puppy twice a day.

How much to feed a puppy during 3 to 6 months?

Teething will start at this age so there’s a tendency for your puppy to lose appetite and become choosy of the foods. Feeding your puppy with nutritious food twice a day will be a big help. If symptoms of bad stomach persist for more than one or two days, take your puppy immediately to the veterinarian.

How much to feed a puppy during 6 months to 1 year?

Your puppy could look all full-grown up however he's still a puppy. He ought to still be fed a high quality food for the added nutrition. Note, in some terribly top quality foods the company doesn't create a separate food for puppies as a result of the food is of such a top quality that it provides for each puppy and adult equally. as an example, a real human grade chicken is what it's for all ages. If you're feeding a puppy food raise your veterinarian after you ought to switch to adult food. Ensure that the adult food you turn to remains a balanced top quality diet with the primary ingredient being a fixed meat that's not a by-product.

How much to feed a puppy during  8 to 9 months?

A regular amount of feeding should be twice a day.

How much to feed a puppy at 1 year old?

In most breeds feeding should be twice a day.

The Truth

It’s very rare to see a fat puppy.  This is just because their metabolism is so high while they are in their growth stage and it’s also is hard to over feed them. 


Always remember the following tips to ensure that your puppy’s growth to a healthy and lean adult:
1. As long as your puppy is capable to eat twice as much (or more) an adult with the same weight, you should need to monitor their body condition and adjust the amount of feeding whether to increase or decrease accordingly.

2. When your puppy is approaching adulthood (around 1 years of age for most breeds), you should regularly decrease their daily calories to conform to the requirements for an adult dog.

3.  While your dog is still a puppy, you should develop the good habits so them so that it will continue until their adulthood.

4. Learn how to estimate your dog’s daily calorie needs (ask a veterinarian if this is unfamiliar to you). This is very useful because once you know your dog’s calorie requirements, you can use this to measure how much to feed a puppy accurately every time you feed them. Don’t just be a fortune teller to guess it!

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