
Do you have puppies? Are you thinking to get one or two?

Before deciding to get one, you need to know and consider the things below in order to be guided on what to do when you have them and the things that you need to get rid of.

double white puppies

Like humans, puppies are born without teeth. Their senses are still not active until they reached 9-12 days old. The very first sense functioning from them is the sense of touch that’s why you’ll notice that after being born from their mother, puppies are always attached to their mother feeling for the warmth. The sleeping habit of puppies is also similar to newly born humans which they sleep for about 14 hours straight. Puppies spent 90% in sleeping and 10% eating.

During their 3 weeks old duration, puppies start to have the sense of smell and the ability to sniff things around them in a far distance will also be developed and is 1,000 times compared to humans. The smell will be stored in their brains that will make them identify things around them.

When feeding small puppies, they should eat five small portions of food a day and this should be controlled since excess of it will not be digested well. When they gets old, they can survive on large portions of food a day.

According to the study, the future size of the puppy can be identified through its paws. They can grow fast but cannot walk easily like humans. This is also common to some larger breeds due to their long legs and big paws.

When puppies started walking, they should be exposed to other animals around them since they need this as socialization like humans. Their loneliness will start when no other animals around them and will result to playing their tails, ties and even making noise to catch attention.

When puppies are fully grown, their teeth also are stronger than before so they should be trained on what is appropriate to chew to avoid mess around them. They should be disciplined on chewing their foods since some are aggressive and aside from foods, they are also chewing things that they might find attractive like slippers, door mats, plants, clothes and many more.

Growing puppies can be enjoyable, however, the things above should be considered to avoid regrets that will result to animal cruelty when not properly followed. 

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